A Curated Library for Unrepped Screenwriters
Screenplay Submissions: Open

How to submit a screenplay?

We are using a direct email for submissions.

Note: Unregistered scripts are not opened and are immediately discarded, so do not submit them, they won't be read. We only work with screenwriters who work professionally and register & protect their work at both the WGA and the U.S. Copyright office and have an IMDb link.

To submit: Copy and paste this information into an email (there are 20 required items, no exceptions) and send it along with your screenplay PDF and your profile Photograph JPG to

-----Copy Below Text-----

1. Name

2. Address

3. City State Zip

4. Title

5. Genre

6. One-Line Logline

7. One-Paragraph Synopsis

8. Ten Influences (writers, filmmakers, artists, etc.)

9. One-Paragraph Bio

10. Availability (All rights assumed available, please confirm.)

11. WGA (Writers Guild of America) Registration Number

12. U.S. Copyright Office Registration Number

13. IMDb Link

14. Referral Fee Agreement: "Yes, I agree by submitting my screenplay, if it sells or is optioned as a result of placement on the Free Agent Writers site, I will pay 20% of the sale or option price to for Free Agent Writers for connecting my manuscript to a buyer."

15. Disclaimer: "Yes, I confirm I have read and agree to the terms of the Disclaimer on the bottom of the FAQ page and the Terms of Service and Submission Release Agreement."

16. Attach PDF

17. Attach Profile Photo

(Don't forget your attachments, PDFs & JPGs only.)

18. Story Notes/Coverage Requested (optional): Yes (Paypal) or No. (If yes, payment must be completed before this form is submitted.)

19. "If my screenplay is accepted into the script library, I agree to promote the site to my colleagues and industry contacts as a requirement for staying on the site."

20. Final Check: All 19 items above are completed and included.

-----Copy Above Text-----

That's it.

Due to the nature of the site and that the readers have limited time to review scripts, any missing information will result in your submission not being opened. So, please follow the rules and send in your submission completed.

Also, due to the nature of the entertainment business, you agree by submitting a screenplay to indemnify Free Agent Writers and Kenneth Wajda and its readers of any claims of damages that result out of using this free service.


All screenplays on this site are copyrighted by its screenwriter
who retains all rights unless otherwise stated.
This site's contents: Copyright 2022, All Rights Reserved