A Curated Library of Screenplays by Unrepped Screenwriters
Screenplay Submissions: Open

What are Free Agent Writers
? As unrepped writers, WE are free agents!

free a·gent /fre 'aj-ent/ A person who is self-determining and is not responsible for his or her actions to any authority.

This site is a place for unrepresented writers of WGA-Registered and U.S. Copyright Office-Registered screenplays, who are also IMDb-listed, to submit their scripts for review and consideration for inclusion in the online script library that we make available to credentialed producers.

My name is Kenneth Wajda and I am a screenwriter myself, and I have a dream: That young writers with strong screenplays but who are unrepped, that they may have a place to get their manuscript in front of film school graduates and young upcoming producers in need of content instead of

  1. paying to be placed on script sites that feature anyone who will pay a submission fee, or

  2. being left with no choice but to spend hours daily sending hundreds of unsolicited query letters to literary agencies, queries that mostly go unanswered or are unwelcome.

I am one of those screenwriters—over the last 10 years, I've had short films I wrote and directed win awards across the U.S. at film festivals and have written six feature screenplays that I can't even get read as no one will read an unsolicited manuscript. One screenplay was written with the actor Paul Rudd in mind, and when I contacted his management, they said, "We cannot talk to you, we're not interested. Please never contact us again."

It becomes difficult to get motivated to continue writing new screenplays without knowing whether any of the previous work is viable to the industry.

The old line, "Finish a great script tonight, place it in a box in the basement and go to sleep and in the morning you'll have producers knocking at your door," is a cute story, but only for those connected and able to get their work read. What about the unrepped?


To start, this isn't a computer platform, or a web database service. It's not a money-grab. It's people. I work with two other screenwriters and one filmmaker, who also have had success making award-winning short films for film festivals.

Three of us have been on the selection committee of a major U.S. film festival, and all four of us are known for having a strong sense of story and recognizing well-written character-driven scripts.

So, this is a site created by screenwriters for screenwriters.

All work in the online library that is available to producers is curated. We're motivated to find strong screenplays and bring them to interested production companies. We are connecting quality products to qualified production people.

We are creating a library of screenplays with 'strong stories well told' primarily in the comedy, mystery, drama, sci-fi, and action/adventure genres for producers and film school graduates looking to partner with a screenwriter.


No content = no sales. We need excellent stories to show producers and we won't publicize this site to production companies until it has a substantial offering of a number of quality screenplays. There's a chance we won't get quality submissions, in which case we will terminate the library. Lowering our standards of acceptance is not an option. Assuming we get quality work, when it does launch, the writers on the site will be responsible for sharing the link with their colleagues and industry contacts.


There is no cost to submit a screenplay. It really is a FREE SITE for Free Agent Writers. We are screenwriters, too, and we don't believe in the money-grabbing script services. The only charge to use our service is if the writer requests story notes, which is completely optional and its purchase has no effect whatsoever on the script's acceptance/inclusion in the library. There is however a 20% connection fee we collect if your script finds a buyer for a sale or option through our referral service.


There is no fee for producers and production companies to read a requested script. Our goal is to provide screenplays that are worth reading, that have strong stories—those are the only ones that we will add to our library. Producers are required to provide industry credentials with their screenplay request before receiving screenplays.


As I mentioned, this isn't a computer-run platform. We don't have software working this site. We work it ourselves, real people—the screenwriters who are also the readers. When you submit, a form won't confirm receipt, one of us will. This isn't our full-time job, we all work elsewhere and writing is our passion. I am a commercial and editorial photographer, there's a freelance writer, a computer software engineer and a corporate video producer on our team.


Free Agent Writers takes a 20% referral fee on script sales. By submitting a screenplay to the library, you agree upon acceptance that if we help you connect to a sale, the 20% fee is due.

Our screenplay readers include myself, Kenneth Wajda, who you've already met. The others' contacts are available to producers upon request.

If you want to contribute to our efforts just because you believe in what we do, here is a donation button.

All screenplays on this site are copyrighted by its screenwriter
who retains all rights unless otherwise stated.
This site's contents: Copyright 2022, All Rights Reserved